Clean-up After the Holidays
The holidays take up a lot of time and attention. Now it’s time for the attention to be turned back to your lawn. It can be not easy when you have plenty on your plate between getting the house back in order, the kids returning to school, and your busy work schedule.
You can leave your clean-up to the team at EKG Lawn Services! Then, our real work can begin once the snow and ice are melted, and your yard is exposed again.
Refining Your Routine
Your routine is important to keep up with, even for your landscape. The growth of your plant life depends on it. In addition, cleaning up what you can before the snow melts help the structure of the landscape so any repairs can be made quickly and safely.
EKG Lawn Services is the team that helps your lawn grow bigger and stronger with each clean-up session.
What’s Your New Year Resolution?
Do you want to have new features added to your landscape? Then it’s essential to get your lawn cleaned from winter before we get to work building. Each time the wind blows, plant debris is thrown about the landscape again, and the extra clutter makes it harder to build new structures.
Keeping your landscape in fantastic growing condition increases your home’s value and gives you a chance to solidify the routine you need. In addition, the amount of time put into decluttering and removing plant debris gives your lawn more time to heal itself before planting begins.
Hardscapes Complete the Landscape
Hardscapes complete the landscape, so it is essential to keep them clear of ice and snow to prevent crumbling and cracking from destroying your walkways and patios. EKG has the skill and experience to keep the snow and ice at bay so you can brainstorm for the spring. Concrete and stone are strong materials, but if water gets in and expands the concrete, your hardscapes will fall apart.
Keeping your landscape clean and clear exposes any signs of invaders and weeds so we can take action immediately. Don’t let your property fall apart into ruins. EKG brings the greenery back to life so you can feel at peace when you step outside.
Helping the Healing Process
Your landscape goes through massive transformations with each season. Sometimes, it can mean life and death for your landscape, but it doesn’t have to when you have help. Our team is here for you and teaches you how to safely bring your plant life back from its dormant state.
The holidays are over, the snow is overrated, and it’s time to get back on track. It can be a sluggish and exhausting journey, but the process can be less painful with our experts. When we clean up your lawn, you can focus on clearing the clutter from your home and fine-tuning your life.
New Year, New Lawn
Each lawn needs attention to detail to prevent weeds, pests, and illnesses from taking over. Cleaning up after the snow and ice have melted gets the lawn back in the growing condition that you can be proud of. We allow you to get the lawn your heart desires with a little pick-up duty.
Let it Snow!
Snow and ice are pretty in the moment, but when they sit on your property for extended periods, they destroy the plant life. Unfortunately, there’s not much to do about it until warmer temperatures and sunnier days are present. EKG is here when for you to get your plant life back up and to grow toward the sun again.
Let the Pros Handle it
Keeping the lawn clean and clear is essential for the health of your landscape but can also be detrimental if you’re not sure what you can do safely. Let the pros handle it so that less damage is made to your flower beds and lawn. The strength of the lawn is determined by how clear you make it.
EKG Lawn Services are the experts in keeping your lawn clear and clutter-free of plant debris and potential snow melt. We save you the headache and frustration of getting your lawn taken care of between meetings and doctors' appointments.
New Year, New Routine